How Bed Bugs Infestation Starts And How To Defend Against The Dreaded Pests
If you have been told that your London home is safe from bed bug activity, you may be surprised to learn it was all a lie.
Bed bugs are frequently misunderstood pests around London. Many believe a bed bug infestation is caused by filth but this is a misconception. The truth is that they can attack almost any London property.
Bed bugs are frequently misunderstood pests around London. Many believe a bed bug infestation is caused by filth but this is a misconception. The truth is that they can attack almost any London property.
Bed Bugs Characteristic
Bed bugs are parasitic creatures, which means that they must live alongside a host to survive. This is one of the reasons why bed bugs gather inside mattresses, sofas, pillows, or other furniture in the house.
Bed bugs will take advantage of resting humans by crawling across their skin in a zig-zag pattern, feeding on blood and tissue. While bed bugs have not been proven to spread diseases, they are known to leave behind a trail of itchy bites, secondary infections, insomnia, and sometimes even anemia.
Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?
Bed bugs live almost exclusively with humans, While it is often assumed that they come from hotels and motels, the list of places bed bugs have been found is much more extensive. Bed bugs are hitchhiking bugs, so you may be wondering “How do you get bed bugs in the first place”?
Travel is widely recognized as the most common cause of bed bug infestations. Often these bugs will hitchhike on people, clothing, luggage, or other personal belongings and be accidentally transported to other properties. They could be found anywhere that their food source, human blood, is available.
We do not recommend any do-it-yourself methods. Bed bugs are resistant to the insecticides in the shop and you can disperse the bed bugs further due to the residual of the product.