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How to clean and sanitise after rodent infestation in your London home

Cleaning & sanitising after rodent infestation

Due to the infectious bacteria and viruses that rodents can carry, it's crucial to exercise caution when cleaning rats, mice, or squirrel nests, rodent droppings, and urine from an infested area. Keep in mind that any rodent infestation cleanup should only be done while wearing protective gear and using a disinfectant formula.


The danger of rodent infestation

If you're dealing with a rodent infestation in your London home, you'll want to take quick and decisive action to get rid of the problem. Not only are rodents unsightly and often feared, but they can also spread diseases and cause damage to your property. In this blog post, we'll outline some steps you can take to get rid of rodents and clean up after them.
First, it's important to identify the type of rodent you're dealing with. This will help you choose the most effective pest control methods. Common rodents in London include rats, mice, and squirrels. Once you've identified the type of rodent, you can take steps to get rid of them. There are a number of pest control methods you can use to get rid of rodents, including traps, poison, and ultrasonic devices. If you're not sure which method to use, we recommend contacting a professional pest control company in London. They will be able to advise you on the best course of action to take.
Once you've got rid of the rodents, you'll need to clean up any droppings or damage they've left behind. This can be a difficult and dirty job, but it's important to do it properly to prevent the spread of disease.

Cleaning up after rodents

Why clean up and sanitize after rodent infestation?

We all know that rodents can carry a large number of diseases, viruses, and bacteria. Luckily not all the pathogens that mice and rats carry with them are harmful, but some, such as hantavirus, a dreaded virus responsible for serious epidemic infections, can cause death.

Rodents such as mice and rats usually transmit their diseases, viruses, and bacteria through their urine, feces, or saliva, which they leave everywhere they go. A mouse that wanders in your cupboards, on your counters, or elsewhere in your home can therefore easily contaminate your space (coatings, appliances, surfaces, etc.) and your food, forcing you to throw it in the garbage.

The most important step before starting to clean up the areas that were infested with rodents is to ventilate the space by opening the doors and windows for at least  1 hour to allow fresh air to enter the area. Use cross-ventilation and leave the area during the airing-out period.
 First Steps
Cleaning begins with the following steps:
  1. Removal of rat & mice droppings, nest materials, and urine will require the use of protective gloves, a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, a hat, eye protection, and an N95 or comparable face mask.
  2. Spray the disinfectant onto the rodent droppings and allow it to soak for at least 5 minutes.
  3. Use paper towels to remove the rodent droppings and plastic bin bags to dispose of them.
  4. Once the infested area has been thoroughly cleaned, you should reapply the disinfectant over any other spots that rodents have touched.
  5. Steam clean any carpets & furniture upholstery that the rats or mice may have access to.

It is highly important for all areas of the house that rodents have crossed to be thoroughly disinfected. You should remove any streaks or prints along the kitchen floor or countertops by scrubbing them away.  In addition, any bedding and clothing from affected areas of your London property should be washed with hot water and laundry detergent.
Final Steps
All contaminated and cleaning materials such as cloths, brushes, etc, should be placed in plastic bin bags that can be sealed tightly. Outdoor rubbish bins are preferred for disposing of this type of waste. 
When cleaning is complete, clothing must be washed separately from another laundry. When finished, wash hands with soap & water or use an alcohol hand sanitizer.
When removing your protective clothing, be sure to take off protective clothing before removing the HEPA-equipped respirator so there is no respirator contact with any viral or bacterial particles that might remain on the protective clothing. Before removing gloves, spray them with a disinfectant or bleach solution; afterward, wash hands with soap and warm water after the gloves have been completely removed.
Removing rodent droppings
When removing rat or mouse droppings and related debris should be carefully handled using sturdy, nonabsorbent gloves, paper towels, or cleaning cloths and then placed in heavy-duty bin bags. After rodent droppings, urine, and nesting materials have been removed, disinfect other items or areas that might have been contaminated. After removal of droppings and debris,  Archers Pest Control Team recommends mopping using a disinfectant compound or steam cleaning where there is evidence of rodent exposure.
Do not wipe or hoover rodent droppings or nesting material until they are soaked with a commercial disinfectant or bleach mixture. If this isn’t carefully done, the possible result may be spreading disease-laden particles throughout your London home.

The importance of rodent pest sanitation

In light of this information, you now understand why it is so important to clean and decontaminate your London home after a rodent infestation. In fact, This is not an easy job, but it is well worth it. It is also necessary for your health and the health of your family.
For more information on rodent control & prevention, visit the blog section of our website. Contact us to do business with a trusted rodent exterminator. Our team will gladly restore the safety of your London home after a rodent infestation.
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