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Rats in Kitchen? Here's What You Should do | Expert Advice

Rats in the kitchen - What to do?

If you are reading this article you have probably seen a rat or two in your kitchen, or kitchen cupboards and now are panicking about what to do. DON'T PANIC! This article will guide you to the possible options of how to get rid of the rats in the kitchen and prevent their return in the future.

We have asked our professional pest control technicians about this problem and below we will outline their advice and steps that a non-professional person can do to stop them.


Step 1: Estimate the problem and the number of rats in the kitchen

The first step is to identify the major areas where rats are found, such as cupboards, shelves and behind kitchen items or appliances. Doing this will give you an idea of how serious the problem is and if it needs professional help or if it can be managed on your own.

If you have seen any rats, you can determine roughly their age by their appearance.

  • Seeing a juvenile rat in the kitchen can be a sign of a nest nearby (for example rats in the walls or rats under the floorboards). Juvenile rats rarely will be present on their own and often will be accompanied by other juvenile rats from the same litter. Rats are very social animals and would like to explore new areas and the world around them. That’s how you crossroads and end up having rats in the kitchen.
  • Seeing an adult rat in the kitchen is one of the most common scenarios. Adult rats are travelling up to 2 miles per day to find vital resources for their survival. Rats drink on average around 100ml water per day. As we mentioned above, rats are social animals with few exceptions. A female rat can also be pregnant and looking for a new safe place to set up a nest. Male rats can be very aggressive and territorial, killing the newborn babies of other males. This will make the female rats flee the nest and look for alternative places to give birth.
  • If you haven't seen a rat in the kitchen, but you have seen a form of damage from gnawing on your cereal boxes, or rat droppings on the kitchen counters - try to gather more evidence! The more you know, the better you will be prepared. Rats will often leave droppings in the kitchen on the counters, behind the fridge and around big objects such as the waste bin. Droppings can vary in size and shape and can give away the number of rats in the kitchen - different sizes bodies have different size droppings.

All scenarios above are considerably easy to approach and tackle by a non-professional person.


Step 2: Locate entry points and determine how the rats are entering the kitchen

Rats can enter the kitchen through any hole, crevice or gap. Even a tiny crack in the wall - big enough for a rat to squeeze itself through (To be precise the minimum size of an entry point can be around 2p size coin) - is sufficient for them to use as an entry point.

Inspect the walls and floorboards to check for any potential entry points. Very often builders and plumbers will cut holes in the floorboards and plasterboard for the radiator pipes going to your gas boiler. If the rats were found in the cupboards - check the back of the cupboard, but trace the pipes to see if any holes are present on the other end.

Also, make sure that all windows are tightly closed and inspect for any gaps underneath them or the garden door.

Step 3: Prepare for a rat control treatment

It is very clear. It’s about you or them! The rats in the kitchen need to be removed as soon as possible. The sooner - the better!

The rats can continue to create further damage to your kitchen by gnawing on electrical cables, pipes or food sources. We will list professional techniques to catch or remove the rats from your kitchen. Please, follow our guide strictly to ensure the safety of any other people or pets present in your house. Use gloves for any of the below methods to protect yourself against germs and bacteria transmitted by rats and mask your human smell left on the traps or baits.

  • Trapping - The safest ever option to remove the rats from the kitchen is by spring-loaded traps with bait. To be efficient, this method requires the kitchen to be clean and free of food that is easily accessible. The best traps will have as low as possible trigger. The best bait for your traps will be food that the rats have already shown interest in your kitchen. If no food was taken by the rats you can use peanut butter or raw peanuts, walnuts, cashews etc. Do not use excessive amounts and try to secure bait against stealing from the trap without engaging the trigger. Traps have to be placed close to the entry points in the kitchen and facing the wall, or the back of the cupboard. This technique will multiply your chances to catch the rat even if the rat is not aiming to take the bait by simply placing the trap on their runways. The rats will often run under distress and step on the trigger by pure mistake. There is no general rule of how many traps to use. We recommend: more traps - better chances, but remember you will have to check the traps at least once every 24 hours.
  • Baiting with poison - Technically the poison for rats is an anticoagulant having the effect of retarding or inhibiting the coagulation of the blood of the rat. You should use this option only as a last resort. Whether the juvenile rats can be very easy to catch on spring-loaded traps, the pregnant female rats can be very sceptical about new objects due to increased levels of neophobia* We recommend products only containing the chemical "0.005% w/w Bromadiologne" This chemical is least toxic comparing to others and in case of bait being accessed by other people, kids or pets, the likelihood of any health damages is close to zero. You must read the label of the rodenticide product that you are using and follow the instructions by the manufacturer such as the location where bait can be laid and amounts.

*Neophobia - (a) Fear of new objects or situations. (b) Fear of novelty.

Location for spring-loaded traps

Always ensure that traps will be placed in secure but easy-to-monitor areas such as:

- Behind fridges
- Under the kitchen cupboards (remove plinth boards)
- Behind the waste bin

Step 4: Blocking of entry points to prevent rats in the kitchen

After you have successfully removed the rats from the kitchen, it is important to take some steps that are preventing new ones from coming in. Your kitchen has likely been a great habitat for them and they will come back looking for food sources. To ensure that this won't be the case, make sure to block any potential entry points. Rats can come through very small holes and it is important that you seal any potential gaps by using cement or steel wool with sealants.

It is also important to keep your kitchen clean and free from food sources that can attract rats in the future. Regularly check for dark spots or corners where dirt or spilt food can accumulate

We do NOT recommend the use of expanding foam for blocking rat holes. Rats can often chew through this material and it will not last long.

Taking the steps mentioned above you can be sure to have a rat-free kitchen in no time! Remember that prevention is key and regular checks for potential entry points or food sources will help maintain your kitchen safe from any rat infestation.


Rodent proofing of entry points

Always ensure that only robust materials will be used such as:

- Cement
- Steel-Wool around the pipes and cables as a foundation
- Sealents and mastic to be placed on top of the steel-wool to prevents rats pulling it out.

Step 5: Sanitise your kitchen to kill harmful germs and bacteria transmitted by rats

Once you have removed the rats from your kitchen, it is important to sanitise and disinfect the area. Rats can carry various diseases, parasites and bacteria that can be transmitted to humans through contact with contaminated surfaces or objects in a kitchen. We recommend using sanitising products specifically designed to kill germs, viruses and bacteria that might have been present in the kitchen environment.

In order to ensure that the area is thoroughly sanitized, it is important to start by cleaning all surfaces with regular detergent or soap and water. Then, use a disinfectant spray or disinfectant wipes to treat any surfaces that may have come into contact with rats or their body fluids such as faeces or urine.

Finally, make sure to discard any food that might have been contaminated by rats and thoroughly wash any kitchen utensils with hot soapy water.

By following these steps you can be sure to have a safe and clean kitchen free of germs and bacteria transmitted by rats.


Still struggling to remove the rats in the kitchen, or to fix the entry points?

Consider seeking a professional pest control specialist like Archers Pest Control! We can provide on-site advice on the best ways to eliminate rats and help to create an effective barrier against future infestations. We take pride in our customer service and guarantee satisfaction with all of our services. Contact us today, or check our Rat Control Treatment to get started!

Booking online is never been easier - Check our online booking platform to reserve the most convenient time for one of our professionals to come and inspect your property and start an efficient rat control program.


Rats in the kitchen can be a serious problem, but it does not have to be difficult to remove them. By following the four steps outlined above - Inspection for signs of rats

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