Bed Bug - Characteristic
Bed bugs are bloodsuckers and their mouthparts that saw through the skin can inject saliva with anticoagulants and painkillers. About 20 of the humans can develop extreme allergic reactions from their bait. Bed bugs prefer exposed skin such as the face, neck and arm of a sleeping person. They are attracted to their host by warmth and carbon dioxide. When the bed bug is starving for blood it leaves its shelter and searches for a host.
A serious infestation can cause anxiety and stress difficulties to their host. Under normal circumstances, an adult bed bug can live up to four months.
What Is Causing Bed Bug Infestation?
They can hide in tight spaces out of sign such as cracks on the bed frame, mattress and box springs. Their flat bodies are protecting them from smashing if their host rolls over them while sleeping.
Another common cause of bed bugs is second-hand furniture. If the furniture is infested and if there are pregnant bed bugs and eggs, then there is a huge possibility that the new owner will have to deal with bed bug infestation soon.
We do not recommend any do it yourself methods. Bed bugs are resistant from the insecticides in the shop and you can disperse the bed bugs further due to the residual of the product. Call Archers Pest Control for more information - 020 8106 5666
Signs Of Bed Bug Infestation
Except from finding bed bug bites on your body, there are some more signs that you may have a bed bug problem. If you can smell unpleasant odours such as rotten raspberries is a common bed bug symptom. Usually, they are releasing pheromones and when they are in large numbers the smell can be strong. If you can notice small dark brown or black spots on your bed sheet and mattress this is one more sign you may have an infestation. These spots are results of bed bug faeces or moulted skin.
Are Bed Bugs Dangerous To Human Health?
Bed bugs have not been known to transmit diseases to the humankind, however, they may still be a health risk associated with these insects. The most common health issue is the itching that comes after the bite. Many people can experience red bumps but some people do not react at all. The uncontrolled scratching can cause damage to the skin that can become an infection.
Bed Bug Prevention
There are few things you can do to avoid a bed bug infestation.
When travelling and overnight stay may present an opportunity for bed bugs to relocate. Carefully check your sleeping area and make sure your luggage doesn't get infested. Inspect your bed and furniture thoroughly. When returning from overnight stays do not leave your luggage in your bedroom or any places you spend most of your time. You can leave the luggage in the garage or other areas that are far from your bedroom. For extra protection, immediately after you come home wash all of your clothes and the items that cannot be washed can be put in the dryer for 30 minutes on the highest heat.
If you are experiencing symptoms of bed bug infestation, call Archers Pest Control.