Fox - Characteristic and Facts
The Red Fox is the most widely disturbed canid in the world. They have rusty red fur. Their long bushy tail is often tipped with white fur and the back of the ears and legs are black. The average body and length is 18 to 33.75 inches, with a tail length of 11 to 21 inches. Foxes have strong legs which allow them to reach speed approximately 30 miles per hour. In the UK, the red foxes feed on small rodents, voles, rabbits and birds. Red Foxes can steal food from garbage bins or farms. Their ability to find food, even during the winter season, is one of the biggest reasons why red foxes have the reputation of smart and cunning creatures.
Interesting Facts About Foxes
Foxes can jump high fences and also can swim very well. They can adapt very well to different environments. Foxes are nocturnal hunters, being most active early in the morning or in the evenings. They can travel up to 10 miles per night within their home range. By day they prefer to rest in hides like hollow log-tree or rabbit burrow. Foxes are considered a threat to 14 species of birds, 12 reptiles and more than 40 species of mammals. Almost every animal up to 4-5 kilograms is at risk from foxes. In the wild, they can live up to 14 years, but live 3-4 years on average.
Damages Caused By Foxes
Controlling urban foxes is very difficult. In the past, many local authorities tried this, including London but most of them gave up any form of fox control. The main problem is that foxes have been in urban areas for a very long time that they reached a state of equilibrium and regulated their population. Like most mammals, the fox can spread different diseases like rabies and parasites which could affect humans. The risk of catching an infection from a fox in the United Kingdom is low. Foxes often leave a mess in the gardens, piles of faeces and urine. Foxes can damage your garden from digging to trampling plants.
Foxes In The Yard & Garden
More and more foxes are looking for food in the urban area. The most common reasons for foxes to be attracted to your gardens are:
- Feeding birds - Unfortunately, the food scraps won't just attract birds, they also will attract foxes. Foxes are not fussy eaters and they like to eat different nuts, fat and bread that are common foodstuffs for birds.
- Wooden constructions - If you have some sort of wooden construction in your garden that contains small gaps underneath, then you have something that is incredibly attractive for the foxes. They love dark and enclosed spaces where they can hide.
- Public park near your home - If you live close to any public park, golf courses and playing fields, its likely foxes are living there, venturing into your neighbourhood to get some food.
- Fruit trees - If you have fruit trees in your garden, remember fox love fruit. So where possible, pick any fallen fruit.
- Bone, fish or blood meal fertilizers - If you think you are using fertilisers that are containing animal products, switch to something different that won't be attractive for foxes.
How Do I Keep Foxes Away?
Foxes usually enter your garden at the exact same place every single time. Try to find and protect the entry point. This will give you the biggest opportunity to convince the fox not to enter your property. Scaring them away is also effective. Make loud noises around their dens, shout and increase the activity around them. Getting rid of their food sources like waste bins, outdoor pet food and compost heaps will stop them from coming around your home. Gather all toys, shoes, or other items before night falls and cover any water sources. Installing fences is also a good way to prevent foxes from entering the garden. There are a lot of deterrents but none of them is 100% successful.