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Spiders - Characteristic And Facts

Spiders are predator insects that feed on other insects like butterflies, flies, mosquitoes and moths. The Spider's body has two parts, cephalothorax and abdomen. They also have eight legs and most of them have eight or six eyes but there are species that have less or even none. Spiders have also jaws called chelicerae that include fang-like appendages at the tip. Some of the spider species can have modified mouthparts used for grabbing or squishing their prey.  Spiders use their digestive juice to liquefy their prey before consuming. As a matter of fact, most spiders prefer to consume live prey or prey that they recently killed.
Some spiders are attracted to moisture, so they can hide in basements, crawl spaces and other damp areas of your home. Other spiders prefer the dry areas of your home for example - air vents, attics, under the furniture, high corners of walls and etc.
Spiders occur in a large range of sizes. The smallest species are less than 0.33 mm and the largest can occur up to 90 mm.
Spiders come in a huge variety of colour patterns
Potentially Dangerous
Spiders are widely feared but only a few of them are dangerous to people.

Why Do I Have A Spider Problem?

When temperatures drop in autumn, spiders become active, looking for a mate and come out of their hiding spots.
Spiders are also looking for food and shelter. Your home can be the right place for them to survive the wintertime and hunt their prey.

How To Control House Spiders?

If you want to prevent your house from spider infestation, first you will need to prevent other bugs from entering your home, this step will cut off their food supply. Here are a few easy tips to prevent spiders and other insects from entering your home:

  • Vacuum up spiders webs and nests when you see them
  • Vacuum your home often and don't forget to pay special attention to dark corners and every space where spiders and other insects can hide.
  • Block any cracks and crevices around your home


Five Common Spiders Around Our Home

  • False Widow Spider -This type of spider is small with a body length being 10 - 15 mm (female) and only 3 - 6 mm (male). The False Widow Spider colour is black and shiny like the Black Widow, but they don't have the red double triangle marking. Commonly False Widow Spiders web is at least 1.5 - 2m above the ground level. False Widow Spiders are not aggressive and some injuries to humans are defensive bites when spired are unintentionally squeezed. 

  • Giant House Spider - The Giant House Spider is one of the largest spiders that you can notice in your home. Its colouration is dark brown. The female can reach up to 19mm and the male can reach up to 25mm. Giant House Spiders prefer to build their webs in the attics, cupboards, behind furniture and boxes. These spiders will not bite unless they are provoked. Their bite can be felt from humans but without any dangerous reactions.

  • Daddy Long Legs Spider- Pholcids known as Daddy Long Legs Spiders are large spiders with small bodies and long legs. They prefer warm temperatures in our homes. It's almost impossible to see them outdoors as they could not survive winter temperatures. Daddy Long Spiders build their webs in caves, under rocks. In human areas, they prefer to build their webs in undisturbed areas like attics and high corners. These spiders have never harmed a human being.

  • Garden Spider - The Garden Spider is one of the largest spiders in the United Kingdom - 13mm including the legs. You can recognise these spiders by their distinctive white cross on the abdomen, colours may vary from orange-red to black. As the name suggests these spiders can be found in every garden. Garden spiders bite on rare occasions and it's difficult to provoke a bite.

  • Wasp Spider -The Wasp Spider is a very large and colourful spider. The female spiders have yellow and white stripes, just like a wasp. The male spiders are pale brown. Unfortunately, sometimes their venom is dangerous. This species causes a painful bite and flu-like symptoms.  Even so, they avoid large prey or bite only in self-defence.

    If you have spiders in your home, contact the professionals from Archers Pest Control to provide you with a safe and efficient spider control solution

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